Our values - Why we do what we do.

At The Free Store our values underpin and guide the way we work and make decisions. These values came from a focus group meeting with our core leadership team back in 2018. The values helped to embody and describe the work that already happening and gave the team a framework to build aspirational hopes for the future.



The Free Store defines Belonging as: An opportunity for people to be a part of the family/community. We believe everyone is a gift and deserves the opportunity to know others and be known.


The Free Store defines Generosity as: An attitude that is willing to give and receive even when it's out of our comfort zone. We believe this attitude embodied is what creates & holds spaces where people can belong and participate.


The Free Store defines Transformation as: An attitude that pursues health. We are discontent with dysfunction and desire to move from spaces of dysfunction to health (systemically, communally and individually)